Reviewing the Debut Album of Oh Wonder

What is Oh Wonder?
Oh Wonder is a London alternative pop duo consisting of Josephine and Anthony. The two members are classically trained multi-instrumentalists that independently write, produce, and mix their tracks together in their home studio. For their album project, they released a song each month for a year Soundcloud up until the release of their self-titled album on September 4th, 2015.


Check Them Out!
Before I give my review of their album,
you can get a taste of their music first by either visiting their Soundcloud account or giving this album sampler a listen.
Visit their website to learn more!

I personally recommend Lose It and Technicolour Beat!

Now without further ado, my review will be under the cut Continue reading Reviewing the Debut Album of Oh Wonder

Intro to My Blog

Photo: 2013 Vancouver Film School ©
Photo 2013 Vancouver Film School © (CC BY 2.0)
Photo: 2011 Vancouver Film School ©
Photo 2011 Vancouver Film School © (CC BY 2.0)

Welcome to my blog!

This page will mostly be about digital art (some being my own creations), and occasionally I may feature some music I like!

The reason I had chosen to focus on digital art instead of say, traditional art, is because I simply enjoy it more than the typical pen to paper. With the emerging technology and ideas in this generation, digital art is a new, modern way to express creativity.

Digital art provides the artist with a multitude of different  tools to work with, like layer features, hue/saturation adjustments, and countless brushes to choose from. Having this wide array of resources at my fingertips allows me to experiment and learn more about new techniques. Another plus of digital art is you don’t need to worry about having to continuously buy materials like paint or paper anymore, which saves both money and our environment!

Some may argue that digital art is “not real art” or “easy to do,” but in reality, art as a whole isn’t easy. Sure, digital art allows you to undo your mistakes but so what? It doesn’t necessarily make your art any better.  Tools don’t substitute for skills. Whether the medium is physical or digital, true ability lies in creating an outcome that makes people feel something.

So with all of that said, I hope you enjoy my blog!