(Final?) Song Spotlight #7 – Mr FijiWiji, Direct, & Aruna – Time to Say Goodbye

A collaboration between three very capable artists,
“Time to Say Goodbye” is a melancholy track full of emotion.
Beginning with wistful piano chords and slow strings, the song soon drops with a mellow electronic segment.
This combination of the somber lyrics and the deep melodic dubstep portions creates a beautifully sorrowful masterpiece.

This may be my last post on this blog for a while… or even forever. I’d like to thank all those that have followed me or had checked out what I had to offer this past year. I cannot say when or if I will return but I do hope to occasionally revisit and post a thing or two.

So with that said, check out my (possibly final) song analysis under the cut!
The basic rundown of a song spotlight will include a short excerpt on the artist, my interpretation of the song’s lyrics/meaning, and my favorite aspects of the song.

Continue reading (Final?) Song Spotlight #7 – Mr FijiWiji, Direct, & Aruna – Time to Say Goodbye

Song Spotlight #6 – Starley -Call On Me

Sung by the Australian artist known as Starley,
“Call On Me” is definitely a breath of fresh air for the EDM scene!
Beginning with a lovely acoustic guitar intro,
the song features Starley’s breezy vocals singing lyrics that send positive vibes all around.
Soon, the song drops an infectious electronic beat and transforms the track into a toe-tapping, catchy, tropical tune that is sure to be stuck in your head for the next few days!

Check out my analysis under the cut!

Continue reading Song Spotlight #6 – Starley -Call On Me