(Final?) Song Spotlight #7 – Mr FijiWiji, Direct, & Aruna – Time to Say Goodbye

A collaboration between three very capable artists,
“Time to Say Goodbye” is a melancholy track full of emotion.
Beginning with wistful piano chords and slow strings, the song soon drops with a mellow electronic segment.
This combination of the somber lyrics and the deep melodic dubstep portions creates a beautifully sorrowful masterpiece.

This may be my last post on this blog for a while… or even forever. I’d like to thank all those that have followed me or had checked out what I had to offer this past year. I cannot say when or if I will return but I do hope to occasionally revisit and post a thing or two.

So with that said, check out my (possibly final) song analysis under the cut!
The basic rundown of a song spotlight will include a short excerpt on the artist, my interpretation of the song’s lyrics/meaning, and my favorite aspects of the song.

Continue reading (Final?) Song Spotlight #7 – Mr FijiWiji, Direct, & Aruna – Time to Say Goodbye

Song Spotlight #6 – Starley -Call On Me

Sung by the Australian artist known as Starley,
“Call On Me” is definitely a breath of fresh air for the EDM scene!
Beginning with a lovely acoustic guitar intro,
the song features Starley’s breezy vocals singing lyrics that send positive vibes all around.
Soon, the song drops an infectious electronic beat and transforms the track into a toe-tapping, catchy, tropical tune that is sure to be stuck in your head for the next few days!

Check out my analysis under the cut!

Continue reading Song Spotlight #6 – Starley -Call On Me

Love in Music

Ah, love. The feeling of deep and affectionate passion/care towards a person(s) or thing(s). The feeling characterized by butterflies in your stomach or your heart about to burst through your chest. Since this emotion can be interpreted in a wide variety of ways, it is one of the biggest topics focused on in music.

The lyrics of songs reflect all different variations of the how love can happen and make one feel. Whether light and fluffy, like soft kisses and tender moments, or passionate and sensual, like close intimacy. From attraction at first sight to enemies turned lovers. Whether it be between star-crossed lovers doomed from the start or soulmates destined to meet one another.

But in contrast to the excitement and joy from love is the sadness and pain of heartbreak, another strong feeling expressed in music. However, heartbreak is similar to its predecessor in the way this emotion can be expressed in many ways too. Heartbreak can be bittersweet; it can be excruciatingly painful; it can gloomily sorrowful; it can even be violently angry.

Love is an emotion worth exploring. And it is explored in thousands of ways through millions upon millions of songs from the minds and mouths of millions of artists from different walks of life from all over the world. No one way is correct as is no one way is incorrect.

Why Imagination is Everything

What is Imagination?

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the blunt definition of imagination is “the ability to imagine things that are not real” or “the ability to form a picture in your mind of something that you have not seen or experienced.”

But, oh, how much more it is!

Imagination is creativity: the driving force behind all mediums of art and advancement. It allows us to explore the ideas of things that are not existent in our environment. The concepts we create with our imaginations may not even be real. Imagination fuels innovation!

A World Without Imagination

Look around you right at this moment. Everything you see would be nonexistent if humans were not granted this unique ability to be creative. Everything. That book you’re reading? Gone. The art museum you’re going to go to this weekend? Nope. The whole reason why we have art and literature and music and movies and dance and all these forms of expressive media is because we have imagination.

It’s not just limited to art, though. You’re reading this post on an electronic device. Whether it be a computer or a phone, without imagination, this system wouldn’t exist. Man created the phone because he imagined what life may be like if we were able to communicate with others from across the world. The concept was absolutely preposterous and unimaginable at the time, but Man put his creativity and mind into it, and look at where we are now!

We’re in the golden age of technology. A bustling world that’s developing new technology daily, like holograms, virtual reality, and so much more.

Take Action

So use your imagination and creativity! Go write that book, draw that art piece, invent that device, create that song- just do what you enjoy and the world will be a much better place!


Song Spotlight #4 – Bishop Briggs – River

Sung by singer-songwriter Bishop Briggs,
“River” is a powerful song with an impressive musical range.
From the gentle folk open with fingerpicked guitar,
to the giant surges of bass before the hooks,
and to the trudging rock beat that emerges during the chorus, this song is a unique blend of different musical genres.
The lyrics also convey strong, torn, and controlling tones and moods.

The basic rundown of a song spotlight will include a short excerpt on the artist, my interpretation of the song’s lyrics/meaning, and my favorite aspects of the song.

Check out my analysis under the cut!
Continue reading Song Spotlight #4 – Bishop Briggs – River

Censorship in Music

Music is a compelling form of expression that has the power to merely entertain and/or cause cultural and political revolutionsbased on the contents of its lyrics and meaning.

This is why many governments and radio stations try to censor and suppress any controversial topics portrayed in music that may cause turmoil and corruption among the public.

These “controversial topics” that I will be going over include opposing moral values, violence, obscene language, religion, sexuality, and drugs.

Check under the cut for a more in-depth analysis of these main reasons for music censorship and how songs are censored, as well as my opinion on the issue.

Continue reading Censorship in Music

Song Spotlight #3 – AURORA – Half the World Away (Cover)

Sung by Norwegian singer AURORA,
“Half the World Away” is an ambient cover of the original by the 90’s -00’s band Oasis. The song has a soothing atmosphere with delicate tones of melancholy and longing, reflecting the message of the lyrics.

The basic rundown of a song spotlight will include a short excerpt on the artist, my interpretation of the song’s lyrics/meaning, and my favorite aspects of the song.

Check out my analysis under the cut!

Continue reading Song Spotlight #3 – AURORA – Half the World Away (Cover)

Artist Spotlight #2 – Picolo-kun


Gabriel Picolo, or most commonly known as “Picolo-kun,” is a 21 year-old freelance illustrator based in São Paulo, Brazil.

He blends together traditional and digital mediums in his artwork. Whether it be doodles in his sketchbook or polished commissions, Picolo’s art always captures the eye and imagination with their bright colors, elaborate inkwork, and deep concepts.

Support and check out his work on Instagram, deviantart, tumblr, Facebook, andPatreon!

More of his art and projects will be under the cut!

Continue reading Artist Spotlight #2 – Picolo-kun

Song Spotlight #2 – Pierce Fulton – No More (feat. EDEN)

Mixed by electronic producer Pierce Fulton with EDEN on vocals,
“No More” is an edgy, electricifying track with fierce singing and impeccable drops.

The basic rundown of a song spotlight will include a short excerpt on the artist, my interpretation of the song’s lyrics/meaning, and my favorite aspects of the song.

Check out my analysis under the cut!

Continue reading Song Spotlight #2 – Pierce Fulton – No More (feat. EDEN)