(Final?) Song Spotlight #7 – Mr FijiWiji, Direct, & Aruna – Time to Say Goodbye

A collaboration between three very capable artists,
“Time to Say Goodbye” is a melancholy track full of emotion.
Beginning with wistful piano chords and slow strings, the song soon drops with a mellow electronic segment.
This combination of the somber lyrics and the deep melodic dubstep portions creates a beautifully sorrowful masterpiece.

This may be my last post on this blog for a while… or even forever. I’d like to thank all those that have followed me or had checked out what I had to offer this past year. I cannot say when or if I will return but I do hope to occasionally revisit and post a thing or two.

So with that said, check out my (possibly final) song analysis under the cut!
The basic rundown of a song spotlight will include a short excerpt on the artist, my interpretation of the song’s lyrics/meaning, and my favorite aspects of the song.

Continue reading (Final?) Song Spotlight #7 – Mr FijiWiji, Direct, & Aruna – Time to Say Goodbye